AliExpress - Budget Summer Gear List

  •   Category Price Weight
  • Shelter £49.56
    2.15 kg
  • Sleeping Bag £26.89
    1.6 kg
  • Sleeping Mat £8.98
    0.35 kg
  • Backpack £18.67
    0.95 kg
  • Stove £3.38
    0.05 kg
  • Cooking Equipment £6.51
    0.2 kg
  • Clothing £50.97
    0.28 kg
  • Total £164.96 5.58
    • oz
    • lb
    • g
    • kg

Budget Summer Gear List for Camping sourced solely from AliExpress, with some assumptions about the kind of things you'd already have at home. Designed as a guide for someone getting started in the world of Wild Camping and Hiking. Check out /r/wildcampingandhiking for more details.

  • Assumes that people already own some clothes that they could hike in that are probably cotton and not ideal, but will do
  • Doesn't include any consumables like food and cooking gas
  • Doesn't include water storage, as it assumes you'll either own or buy some bottles of water.
  • Doesn't include toiletries, as you can just take a bar of soap and some toilet paper from home, along with your toothbrush and toothpaste (Cut your toothbrush in half and it's #UltraLight)
  • Doesn't include any first-aid gear, as it assumes you'll have plasters, ibuprofen, tweezers, etc. at home already

Alternatives are listed as 0 quantity, with a reason for their inclusion in the description.

Where reviews are available, they'll be listed under the original item.

Being on this list doesn't imply endorsement, weights are taken from the AliExpress listing, and prices will fluctuate with exchange rates.