Texas Summer SUL

  •   Category Weight
  • Pack
    0.76 lb
  • Shelter
    1.14 lb
  • Sleep
    0.87 lb
  • Clothes (worn)
    3.58 lb
  • Clothes (packed)
    0.06 lb
  • Food/Water
    0.49 lb
  • Electronics
    1 lb
  • Just in Case
    0.28 lb
  • Hygiene
    0.2 lb
  • Consumables
    10 lb
  • Total 18.37
    • oz
    • lb
    • g
    • kg
  • Consumable 10 lb
  • Worn 3.61 lb
  • Base Weight 4.75 lb

Texas Summer conditions: Highs in the 90's-100F+, lows above 70F. Primarily no precipitation except for brief downpours. Wind, if any, is hot. Humidity may vary, depending on location.

Preferred geography: close to large bodies of water for afternoon swimming to cool off. This also minimizes water carries, but plan for ability to carry 4L+ to keep hydrated.