Turkey - 9 Days

  •   Category Weight
  • Hygiene
    0.54 lb
  • Clothing
    7.65 lb
  • Electronics
    2.63 lb
  • Water
    0.18 lb
  • Other
    0.68 lb
  • Bags
    0.66 lb
  • Total 12.34
    • oz
    • lb
    • g
    • kg
  • Worn 3.11 lb
  • Base Weight 9.23 lb

Didn't use buff, merino baselayer, small tripod. Forgot to pack the OR Sun Shirt, wish I had it. Z-Trek Sandals broke, threw them away. Big ass S2S pillow was unnecessarily big for the plane. Try the old smaller one next time. Lost my pill case with Alprazolam + ibuprofen. Used/gave away all the tums.