2022 Sep CDT/NM SOBO

  •   Category Price Weight
  • Water $0.00
    3.31 lb
  • Food $9.00
    2.5 lb
  • Clothes, Worn $0.00
    0 lb
  • Sleep $437.50
    1.49 lb
  • Clothes, Carried $222.50
    0.99 lb
  • Pack $51.50
    0.86 lb
  • Electronics $107.40
    0.83 lb
  • Shelter $81.00
    0.76 lb
  • Water $2.00
    0.25 lb
  • Ditty $23.84
    0.23 lb
  • Toilet $0.00
    0.06 lb
  • Kitchen $2.91
    0.06 lb
  • Navigation $0.00
    0 lb
  • Total $937.65 11.35
    • oz
    • lb
    • g
    • kg
  • Consumable 6 lb
  • Base Weight 5.35 lb


some memorable moments but least favorite long distance hike so far. ran out of steam by Lordsburg, 100 miles short of my goal. poor weather wore me down. Bustang got me from Denver to Alamosa, walked/hitched from there to Wolf Creek Pass, not an easy roadside to get to without a car. southern CO was high, stark and memorable; got caught in a storm above 11k and had a rough afternoon getting repeatedly hailed on. weeks of unseasonable near-daily rain (400-600% of average) added precip, cold and mud to the mix. NM is pretty when it opens up but good views were surprisingly infrequent. really enjoyed my first day south of Cuba walking La Ventana Mesa and Portales Mesa; wish more of CDT/NM was like this. canyon north of Ghost Ranch was another beautiful few miles. Toaster House was a warm, welcome oasis. met nice people along the way, both locals and other travelers. met 2 pairs of European couples biking the GDMBR; think biking NM would be more enjoyable and this has reinvigorated my interest in biking. can't recommend CDT/NM and neighboring states CO and AZ are far superior, but there is more to see in NM.

gear all worked fine, with all the rain I would've been more comfortable with a rain skirt.

next trip was the Uinta Highline Trail


Pagosa Springs to Crazy Cook, complete earlier CDT attempt.

Lighten up about 1 lb from last trip on AZT/PCT.

Before leaving I finally washed my quilt for the first time; long overdue.
