2024 Pack Four Pass Loop

  •   Category Weight
  • Backpack
    1.81 lb
  • Shelter
    2.03 lb
  • Sleep
    3 lb
  • Bear Safety
    2.45 lb
  • Clothing (carried)
    2.06 lb
  • Electronics
    1.46 lb
  • Kitchen kit
    0.93 lb
  • Meds and survival
    0.54 lb
  • Personal Care
    0.38 lb
  • Random Gear (includes things for the first part of the trip)
    0.04 lb
  • Worn // Hike
    4.97 lb
  • Food and Water
    6.85 lb
  • Total 26.51
    • oz
    • lb
    • g
    • kg
  • Consumable 7.1 lb
  • Worn 5.85 lb
  • Base Weight 13.56 lb

Four Pass Loop

Maroon Bells and Snowmass area, Colorado.

Date - August 2024; 4 nights, 4 days (1st night camping at the lake to get an early start)

Distance ~ 27 miles

Expected weather - St night in upper 30s - lower 40th if we're lucky. During the day, up to 80 F, but in general it's probably going to be around 60--70 F. Afternoon showers and wind at higher elevations and over the passes.

Personal Notes

🔴 - Red star - upgrade later for lighter weight 🟢 - green star - update weight 🟡 - yellow star - optional

Big Four

7.1 LB

Bear County Penalty

Bear can is mandatory 3.13 LB