First-Aid and Repair Kit

  •   Category Price Weight
  • Pill Case $0.00
    0.04 lb
  • Drugs $0.00
    0.05 lb
  • Blood and Injury Related $0.00
    0.16 lb
  • Other Mechanical things $0.00
    0.07 lb
  • Repair Kit $0.00
    0.01 lb
  • Total $ 0.33
    • oz
    • lb
    • g
    • kg

I have over 16,000 miles of backpacking under my belt, and have largely settled on a first aid kit and repair that is effective for multi-month trips, and an acceptable weight (my base weight is around 8.5 lbs). I've used every component of this kit, with the exception of the bleed stop (no major bleeding out for me!), to largely keep hiking and to stay on trail. The only time I've been forced to get off trail because my FAK has been inadequate is when I got giardia.

For shorter trips, I cut down on (or just don't restock) the quantity of pills I'm carrying (just won't need all the NSAIDs or acetazolamide).

Most frequently used items: tape (for blisters), naproxen (for throbbing soreness), sewing kit (blisters w. lighter, gear repair), aspirin (soreness, minor aches), ace bandage (various), acetazolamide (altitude)
