Gearlist w reddit disclaimers (warm weather)

  •   Category Price Weight
  • Clothing $0.00
    4.04 lb
  • Food $0.00
    4.5 lb
  • Food prep $0.00
    0.14 lb
  • Health & Hygene $0.00
    1.05 lb
  • Hydration $0.00
    7.1 lb
  • Miscellanious $0.00
    1.12 lb
  • Navigation $0.00
    1.06 lb
  • Pack & Storage $0.00
    2.19 lb
  • Sleep $0.00
    0.84 lb
  • Total $ 22.04
    • oz
    • lb
    • g
    • kg

Bw is around 7.3lbs

Note on Exposure to the Elements: I have different gear and gearlists for different locations, seasons, and trip durations. This is just one of them. This is not my winter gearlist. Please do not leave your tent and sleeping bag home during the winter. Exposure to the elements in dangerous and can result in death. Hypothermia can happen swiftly and impair your judgement. You know your needs better than anyone else. If you are hiking with others, be familiar with their gear and skills. Your lives may depend on it. Be smart. Be safe. And skillbuild. This gearlist works for me because it combines with my unique skill set and creative problem solving capacity.

Note on the First Aid Kit: this kit is tailored to myself and my skills, and my other gear can supplement it. For example, tourniquets are a messy business and I hope that neither myself nor my backpacking partners should ever need one. I don't have an official tourniquet in my first aid kit. But, should we find ourselves in need, we have training such that the cordage from the sides of my backpack will suffice. Should temporary, emergency sutures be required, I have a sewing kit in my gear repair section. And so forth along these lines. It is important that, while people hone their gearlists, they do so in line with their own needs and skillsets.

So, it is ok if your gearlist looks different or is heavier, etc. that's ok! The main thing is to have your own enjoyable and safe trip, with gear that is tailored to your skills and needs. Happy hiking!

PS I plan to switch to a 40-45L backpack for my 3-4 day trips, once I can afford one.