Santa Ynez Traverse

  •   Category Price Weight
  • Things $100.00
    1.64 lb
  • Food $8.95
    0.26 lb
  • Clothing $0.00
    0.65 lb
  • Water $0.00
    0.51 lb
  • Sleep $0.00
    2.41 lb
  • Electronics $129.00
    1.31 lb
  • Optional use if rain $0.00
    0.51 lb
  • Total $237.95 7.29
    • oz
    • lb
    • g
    • kg

For a thru-hike of the Santa Ynez mountain range.

Cached a gallon of water about every 20 miles in advance. I brought the shelter last minute because the morning of the hike there were heavy clouds on top of the mountains. I should have left it home.

Post trip: Did not need tarp or stakes. Did not need gloves. Had too much water so didn't need filter.

Here are pictures

Here is the route