•   Category Weight
  • Pack
    6.6 lb
  • Shelter
    1.49 lb
  • Sleep System
    3.48 lb
  • Cook System
    1.26 lb
  • Food/Water
    23.14 lb
  • Packed Clothing
    2.06 lb
  • First Aid kit
    0.09 lb
  • Repair kit
    0.11 lb
  • Charger kit
    0.5 lb
  • Toiletries
    0.07 lb
  • Misc (mostly fanny pack and outside pockets)
    1.67 lb
  • Worn / Carried
    0 lb
  • Total 40.46
    • oz
    • lb
    • g
    • kg
  • Consumable 21.41 lb
  • Base Weight 19.06 lb

Red star = Don't own yet Yellow star = possible deletion Green star = possible substitution Food for 4 days in back country

If water can be filtered at any source, reduce the amount carried and substitute the filter kit for 112 grams