Smallest list

  •   Category Price Weight
  • Things $350.00
    1.41 lb
  • Shelter $0.00
    0.25 lb
  • Insulation $0.00
    1.57 lb
  • Food $8.95
    0.02 lb
  • Water $0.00
    0.18 lb
  • Electronics $129.00
    0.99 lb
  • Optional if forecast for rain $0.00
    0.69 lb
  • Total $487.95 5.11
    • oz
    • lb
    • g
    • kg

This is a list of the least amount of my things I could bring in order to have the smallest possible pack. If possible, I would try to find a smaller pack than the Nashville to put it in.

I would eat cold food, using a plastic bag if any of it needed to be prepared with water. I would sleep under the stars without netting, tarp or bivy. I could reduce further by leaving all electronics out and do a silent meditation retreat instead.